Friday, June 14, 2013

2013-14 Jazz audition results

Thank you to all who auditioned.  You are all awesome!  Your preparations made the decision making process quite difficult.  Should your name not appear on this list, you then are considered to be an alternate should the current member not remain committed to the ensemble's rehearsals and performances.  I will contact you if a situation for replacement  develops. 

2013-14 HSW Jazz Ensemble

Alto Saxes         Brianna M., Peter R.

Tenor Saxes      Shannon K., Andrew G.

Baritone Sax     Will A.

Trombones        Rob M., Steve M.

Trumpets           Marc F., Melissa B., Rob B., Tim K., Tom M.

Guitar                Mike G.

Piano                 John Jung

Bass                  Justin T.

Drums               Ben C., Derek M.

Please be aware you must attend all dress rehearsals and performances and we begin at the beginning of September and go through June. 

Congratulations to you all!!!!

Please start working on your solo chops with frequent listening to jazz greats and learning your major and minor keys in all octaves, thirds, & patterns.  Use the following keys; F, Bb Eb, Ab, C, & G to start.  Final seating will be determined in Sept.

Thank you and have a great summer!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

All Band Students who rent from the district.

If wish to get a summer instrument/home instrument for the 2013-14 school year you now may begin scheduling pick up appointments while supplies last.  This applies to all High School West students in the symphonic band and the concert bands. 

Instruments available are;
Piccolo (only if you plan on playing this instrument during the school year)
Tenor Sax
Baritone Sax
French Horn
Bass Trombone
Baritone Horn

Please be aware some music stores are running summer lesson packages for discounted prices.  There are also many summer community groups, like the Smithtown community band that will let you play.
The Smithtown Community Band is a 501C3 non profit organization that has been running for over 25 years out of Smithtown providing 4 free concerts a summer to the community at the Smithtown Historical Society .
To contact  email is at or find them on
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