Sunday, January 26, 2014

Brass & Jazz do have rehearsal this Tues//Jazz you are going until 9:30pm

Orchestra Pit

The show recordings are in the drop box folder.


Rehearsals this week are;

Tuesday-2-5pm- Strings and Rhythm

Wednesday-2-5pm- Brass

Thurday & Friday-2-5pm- Full Orch.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Concert Band

Just a reminder this week you will be able to sign up for your midterm exams during the week of 1/27/2014.  

Symphonic Band

All lessons are combined for tomorrow and if you have a conflict please attend another lesson within your instrumental family on the lesson periods. 

Thank you

Tues., 1/21/14 Rehearsal info-Orchestra Pit, Brass & Jazz

Good evening to all,

Looking at the weather forecast,  rehearsals may be cancelled.  Please know your schedule for possible make up rehearsals.

Jazz Ensemble, we have the SCMEA jazz fest on Sat,. 2/8/2014.  We can't afford any missed rehearsals at this point.

Brass and Jazz we have the Gala concert on Sat., 3/22/2014.

Orchestra Pit people please be prepared for rehearsals everyday after school from here on in.  Tues. if we meet will end @ 4pm.  Wed. will end @ 3:30pm, Thurs. will end at 5pm and Fri. will end 4pm.

Hope to see everyone tomorrow!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Brass and Jazz Ensembles

Due to my absence there will not be rehearsal this evening. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Symphonic Band


Netflix has original Godzilla movies.