Monday, July 21, 2014

Jazz Ensemble Audition Results 2014

After much a do and several phone calls working out issues with the new system the district is using that is associated with teacher accounts and Blogger application, I only NOW have access to my Blogspot.  I do apologize for the delay of results but it was out of my hands.

Alto Sax I          William A.
Alto Sax II         Kristen F.
Tenor Sax I        Andrew G.
Tenor Sax II       Shannon-Kate K.
Baritone Sax      Diego R.

Trombone I        Rob M.
Trombone II       Blake C.
Trombone III      Matt H.
Bass Trombone  Steve M.

Trumpet I           Melissa B.
Trumpet II          Rob B.
Trumpet III         David S.
Trumpet IV        Sara J.
Trumpet V         Chris M.

Piano                  John J.
Guitar                 John C.
Bass                   Justin T.
Drum Set           Derek M.

Alternate players will be asked to step in permanently if selected players do not maintain group responsibilities, or on a substitute basis if selected players become ill for either rehearsals or performances.  Players should attend rehearsals regularly.

Alternate players:
William L., Joseph A. on Baritone Sax, Thomas R.,