Saturday, October 11, 2014

Symphonic Band

I have just been notified that our homecoming parade has been cancelled for today and you should expect a connect ed phone call.

Friday, October 10, 2014

All-County Jazz registrations are happening this week

Please see me to register.

Symphonic Band Homecoming

Please arrive at the Plymouth Blvd., Fire house parking lot by 2pm.  We will step off between 2:15 and 2:30pm and march to the High School. 

You will need the Music Parade shirt, Tan or Khaki shorts, and white-ish sneakers, instrument lyre and music. 

Large instruments and Percussion be aware that the equipment truck will be leaving 10 minutes before the parade starts.

The only acceptable absences are by students' parents who communicated by email prior to Friday, 10/9/2014.

Should the parade be cancelled you will receive a Connect ED phone call from the school administration.  If weather is questionable,  arrive at the fire house regardless.