Thursday, January 22, 2009

Music TheoryI Mid Term Exam

Our Mid Term will also be during the first week of February. A portion will be on computer and the remainder will be on ear training.

This exam will encompass the following;

key signature identification
Major scale identification (wwhwwwh)
interval identification
triad identification
aural identification of intervals melodic and harmonic, Major, minor, and Perfect
aural identification of triads, Major, minor, diminished, and augmented.

Solo NYSSMA registration

All students participating in the NYSSMA solo festival must register by February 6, 2009.

Concert Band students are being offered extra credit for attending the festival and/or helping out with the festival, toward their third quarter grade. If students receive an Outstanding or and 'A' on their solo they will also be exempt from the Concert Band final. Students must participate on their band instrument to receive the extra credit.

The benefit to participating and doing well in this festival has many rewards. High scores may be used to enhance college applications in the honors or awards area, scores are also used for All-County Band or Orchestra selections and participation reflects self motivation and commitment on behalf of the student which play a role in honor group recommendations.

This festival should not be confused with the NYSSMA Major Organization Festival where the entire Band performs together, that is a different festival held later in the year.

Concert Band Mid Term exam

The Concert Band will be having their mid term exam during the first week of February as part of the third quarter grade. This is a major performance exam that will also redesign sectional seating and play a heavy role in the symphonic band recommendations. This exam is an individual performance test where students will sign up for selected 10 minute slots on 1/22, 1/23, and 1/26 for appointments over the course of the exam week.

The exam will consist of;

1. Selected sections of Symphonic Dance No. 2, performed with the metronome and set at quarter note = 200.

2. Selected sections of The President's March, performed with the metronome and set at the dotted quarter note = 116.

3. All scales and arpeggios from the scale sheet, (12).

4. The chromatic scale sheet in two octaves.

5. Selected sections of Inferno.