Thursday, January 22, 2009

Concert Band Mid Term exam

The Concert Band will be having their mid term exam during the first week of February as part of the third quarter grade. This is a major performance exam that will also redesign sectional seating and play a heavy role in the symphonic band recommendations. This exam is an individual performance test where students will sign up for selected 10 minute slots on 1/22, 1/23, and 1/26 for appointments over the course of the exam week.

The exam will consist of;

1. Selected sections of Symphonic Dance No. 2, performed with the metronome and set at quarter note = 200.

2. Selected sections of The President's March, performed with the metronome and set at the dotted quarter note = 116.

3. All scales and arpeggios from the scale sheet, (12).

4. The chromatic scale sheet in two octaves.

5. Selected sections of Inferno.