The Concert Band will be having their mid term exam during the first week of February as part of the third quarter grade. This is a major performance exam that will also redesign sectional seating and play a heavy role in the symphonic band recommendations. This exam is an individual performance test where students will sign up for selected 10 minute slots on 1/22, 1/23, and 1/26 for appointments over the course of the exam week.
The exam will consist of;
1. Selected sections of Symphonic Dance No. 2, performed with the metronome and set at quarter note = 200.
2. Selected sections of The President's March, performed with the metronome and set at the dotted quarter note = 116.
3. All scales and arpeggios from the scale sheet, (12).
4. The chromatic scale sheet in two octaves.
5. Selected sections of Inferno.