Thursday, February 5, 2009

Attention All Percussionists


Day Of Percussion 2009!!
Sat., February 7, 2009 (Snow Date February 8) at Sayville High School
9:00am - 3:30pm (Registration @ 8:30am)
Contact numbers on the day - (516) 909-6988 or (631) 252-9488

Clinics, Performances, Door Prizes
Schedule of the Day:

8:30 AM Registration Opens

9:00am-9:55am: Session 1 in Bandroom - School Percussion Ensemble Performances TBA
10:00am-10:55: Session 2 in Auditorium - TBA -Check back for the exciting list of clinicians
11:00am-11:55am: Session 3 in Bandroom - TBA
12:00 PM - Lunch is available in the cafeteria

12:45-1:45: Session 4 in Auditorium - TBA

All-County Concert - 2:00pm
The “All-County” Percussion Ensemble
conducted by
Peter P. DeSalvo & Anthony M. Romeo II

****Massed drum circle after concert!!!! Everyone is welcome. ****
Bring your own hand drum instrument.

Come be a part of this historic event!

Registration: $15 students and adults (free to SCMEA members)

Sponsors for the day include: Yamaha, Pearl/ Adams, Sabian, Innovative Percussion, Remo, Zildjian, Malletech, kp3, Malletech, Alfred Publishing, Vic Firth, Mike Balter Mallets, Grover Percussion, the “Original Long Island Drum Center”, Ratamacue Percussion, Sam Ash Music, Musser, Encore Mallets, Kaman Music, RegalTip, Dynasty, Meinl, Xymox, Mapex, Drumworkshop, J. D’Addorio & Comp. (Evans), Rowl-off Productions, Promark, Premier Drums, Rhythmtech and Cooperman Company, Ross Instruments