The first performance test will be during the week of October 13th. All students will select a 10 minute exam slot preferably during a lunch or study hall period but must be scheduled during the school day.
This test will determine section seating, all-county recommendations, and a test grade toward their first quarter grade.
The test material will be the following;
1. Play section 9 rhythm sheet with metronome in common time and in cut time.
2. Play Scale #1, 2, and 3 off the scale sheet with metronome marking 80 and using staccato and legato articulation and varied dynamics.
3. St. Anthony's Chorale and excerpts from Novena, Chihuahua, and Shine.
Percussion will prepare rudimental warm up, accented eighth notte sheet, Flams, single, double, and 5 stroke rolls, and paradiddles.