Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brass & Jazz Ensembles

Hey Everyone,

Congratulations on a great performance this past Thurs.  Just a note that there will not be rehearsal on this Tuesday due to the Symphonic Band and Concert Choir performances,  please come out and support your fellow musicians if you're not performing in those groups.  We will have rehearsal Tuesday night Dec. 21st at our regular times.

Jazz announcement from a Friend at Dowling College:

Happy Holidays Everyone!  Yo the Dowling Jazz Ensemble would like to invite all of you to our Concert on Monday December 13th, at 8PM!!! We are performing in the Fortunoff Hall Ballroom  off of Idle Hour Blvd in Oakdale NY.  Pretty Good Band with a cool entertaining repertoire!!  Please come yer all welcome!  Rich Cruz

Friday, December 3, 2010

Concert Band Assignment reminder for the week of 12/6/10

This is a reminder that all concert

band students

 have a performance exam on of our

 concert music

for the week of Dec. 6th.

Jazz Ensemble Gig Alert!

Remember Thursday December 9th is our concert-6:30pm call.

Dress is Jazz shirts with black pants.

Remember Wed. January 12, 2011 is the Nesconset Nursing Center-6:15pm call.

Brass Ensemble gig alert!

Hey Brassers,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 is our performance at St. Catherine's Hospital. 

Arrive no later than 3:30pm in the lobby of the hospital.

Bring a music stand.

Bring your brass folder.

Wear the brass shirt with black pants and any choice holiday accessories.

We will be done by 4:30pm~ish.

No rehearsal for brass ensemble Tuesday night but we will rehearse Wed., Dec. 8th after school from 2-3pm.

Remember Thursday December 9th is our concert-6:30pm call.

Remember Wed. January 12, 2011 is the Nesconset Nursing Center-6:15pm call.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Concert Band Performance

Please remind your family about our concert on Thursday, December 16, 2010 @ 7:30pm.  Your call time is 6:30pm and check your class policy for the dress code.

Brass and Jazz Ensembles Yearbook PICS

The dress for the yearbook pics will be our new shirts with the logos and black pants and will take place between 6:30pm and 7pm.


Brass; Tuesday, December 7, 2010 we have a performance for St. Catherine's of Sienna tree lighting service from 3pm to 4:30pm.

Jazz and Brass are on the December 9th Winter Concert @ SHS WEST


Brass and Jazz :Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at the Nesconset Nursing Center for their Happy Hour.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jazz Ensemble Gig Alert!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at the Nesconset Nursing Center for their Happy Hour.

Brass Ensemble Gig Alert

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 we have a performance for St. Catherine's of Sienna tree lighting service from 3pm to 4:30pm.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at the Nesconset Nursing Center for their Happy Hour.

Concert Band

Just a reminder that you have a performance exam on A Copland Tribute for next week's lessons.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Concert Band// Reminder

In lessons, you have a performance exam on "Who's that Masked Man?" with a focus on Dynamics, Articulations, Rhythms, Notes and Tempo.  This will be during the week of 10/25/10 in preparation for the Elementary performance.  You should be playing all four pieces at least twice all the way through along with our daily warm-ups.

We are progressing nicely, keep up the good work!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Concert Band students that rent from the School

Dear Parents,

Lease agreements for the school provided instruments went home today to be signed and returned.  You will receive a second copy to mail in with your payment.

Thank you,
Mr. Cassera

10/29 performances for Concert Band, Brass Ens., & Jazz Ens.

Concert Bands & Brass Ensemble will be performing @ Smithtown Elementary School

Concert Band; We will meet in the auditorium 8th period on 10/29 with the Brass Ens. and 1st period Concert band for a dress rehearsal then go right to the buses. We will play El Capitan, Who's that Masked Man, Shine, and New Moon.  You will also need clothes pins for the wind.  You may wear a costume as long as it does not interfere with your ability to perform and it is not inappropriate for kindergarten children.

Brass we will play Funeral March of a Marionette, Peter Gunn, Pirates of the Caribbean along with the Concert Band material.

We will return to the HS around 3:10pm.  Every one is responsible for the instrument they are playing and loading on the bus.  Under no circumstance may any equipment or instruments be left on the bus or at the elementary school.

Jazz Ensemble will arrive in the commons of the HS to set up by 3:30pm. You may wear a costume as long as it does not interfere with your ability to perform and it is not inappropriate for kindergarten children.  We will be playing the following selections; September, Fever, Dirty Dozen, Spooky, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy, Evil Ways and Frankenstein.

We will be done by 5:30pm.

Attn; Jazz Ensemble

Hey Jazzers,

Email me for the links to our rehearsal recordings.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Concert Band //Forms due tomorrow

All permission slips for the 10/29/10 field trip should be handed in Friday 10/15/2010.

Students that received forms for SCMEA All-County MUST return the SCMEA form tomorrow, Friday, 10/15/2010 or they can not be recommended for the festival.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


All students interested in auditioning for the All-County Jazz Ensemble please see me before the end of Friday, 10/8/10.

Brass Ensemble

This Sunday for the Pat Harmon 5K run you will need a music stand or liar to hold the small all-star music book and play the Star Spangled Banner for the opening of the ceremony and run.  Please take a moment to run this a few times at Fortissimo.  Be prepared to start @ 8:40am.  You will be done by 9am and given time to pack your gear and return for the start of the race, about 10 minutes.  Please see me Friday 10/8/10 before 6th period.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Class Policy for Concert Band Period 3



Mr. Cassera

Class Objective: The students will be able to express themselves through musical performance in a concert band setting. This music performance class stimulates the students to grow intellectually, emotionally, and creatively which aides in the development of a ‘well rounded person’.

Required Materials: Instrument must be in working condition. Students must have a PENCIL, metronome, ensemble music, and the necessary supplies for their particular instrument such as reeds, valve oil, drum sticks, neck straps, etc….

Grading Objective: The grading policy is designed to reflect the students’ individual effort, participation and growth.

Grading: An alphabetical grade is earned each marking period. The average of rotation class assignments equals one quarter of the grade. The second quarter of the grade is the average of performance exams. The balance of the grade is based on the average of daily rehearsal grades which encompasses class preparation, conduct and participation.

Rehearsal Behavior: Each rehearsal will be conducted as a practice performance. Wearing of hats, any kind of food or drinks, lateness to class and inappropriate behavior will not be permitted or tolerated.

Course Criteria:

Performances: Performances are exams which are calculated into the quarter grade. Attendance is mandatory for all performances.

Rotation classes: Each class represents a grade. The grade will be based upon the completion of the given assignment. Students may also be given written exams to further assess their understanding of material. It is building policy that students must attend scheduled rotation classes. Should a student have a testing conflict, then a make up class will be provided. Students are expected to communicate testing conflicts prior to their rotation class. If a student misses a rotation class without proper notice the student will have earned an ‘F’ for that class. All make up classes must be completed within the week of the missed class. If a rotation class falls on a student’s lunch period, the student should bring a bag lunch to eat in the rotation class.

Daily rehearsals: Prepared for class, includes instruments in working condition, PENCIL, ensemble music, lesson book, seated and ready to participate two minutes after the bell. Cooperative participation includes appropriate behavior, improvement on daily music and following instructions given. Rehearsal conduct is expected which includes but not limited to, respect and courtesy for the conductor and respect and manners toward fellow students.

Student success: The development of instrumental skills requires self-discipline and focused practice toward the given assignments on a daily basis not including rehearsal and lesson time.

First Audition: The results are used for section seating, the Suffolk County Music Educator’s Asso.’s (SCMEA) Division 3 All County recommendations and count as the first test score.

Performance Dress: Concert Dress: white formal top, black dress slacks, black dress, black or dark tie, black socks and shoes, NO tee or tank shirts, jeans, flip flops or sneakers. Parade Dress: Long Sleeve shirts (provided by school), Tan khakis, and white sneakers provided by student.

Instrument safeguard: Students are responsible for their instruments (rented or owned) concerning theft or damage. Usually, homeowners’ insurance can offer a rider for protection. You will need to know the serial and model number and the instrument’s brand name. Space is available during the school day to store instruments but protection cannot be guaranteed.

Extra help is available for two periods per week by appointment.

Announcements: Students will be informed during class and by way of the following website; . Student should become followers to be alerted when new announcements are made.



Smithtown Elementary School

October 29, 2010 2:15pm.


Concert Band 3

Thursday, December 16, 2010 7:30pm

NYSSMA Major Organization Festival

Thursday, May 18th, 2011


Concert Band 3

May 24, 2011 7:30pm


Concert Band

Monday, May 30, 2011

Gala Concert is March 26, 2011 at 7:30pm. Jazz Festival is April 14, 2011. The New York State School Music Association’s ALL-STATE SOLO Festival will be April 1 & 2, 2011.

The New York State School Music Association’s SOLO Festival is April 27 & 28, 2011


Detach and return please

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please record the performance dates and concert/parade dress for this year. Note also, student attendance and dress at performances is mandatory requirements for music performance courses. Students need to return this form with signatures, which will reflect that you are aware of the Concert Band’s class policy and course requirements. Should you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at the Smithtown High School-West Campus.

Thank you for your cooperation and support,

Mr. Cassera


Student name________________________________________________________________

Student Signature_____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name Mr./Mrs/Ms._________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature_____________________________________________________

Contact telephone number:_____________________________________________________

E-Mail address:______________________________________________________________

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Concert Band Performance

We will be performing on Friday, 10/29/10 @ 2:15pm for the Smithtown Elementary Ragamuffin parade.  We will depart from the HS @ 1:30pm and return approximately 3:10 pm.

Concert Band Assignment for the week of 10/4/10

The lesson assignment for the week of 10/4/10 for all lesson groups is to perform "El Capitan" with all perfected articulation and dynamics at the metronome marking 72 beats per minute.  All notes and rhythms should be known by now.  If you are having any problems please see me for extra help. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Brass and Jazz Ensembles

Great first performance Friday night!!  Thank you for delivering on short notice.  Many people complimented your performances including Assemblyman Kennedy. We are off to a super start!!!

See you @ rehearsal.

Concert Band Students

Please be advised and refer to the official lesson schedule which is posted outside the band room.

Thank you,
Mr. Cassera 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Helping a brother- Go ahead and Vote

Mat Flynn is one of our own who played with the Jazz 
Ensemble and just graduated last year let's help him out.

>Please send this to EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! The more votes, the better off we are!!! 
>Both Families, Friends, Co-workers, all your work buddies. Whoever. Everyone. Thanks. 
>Here's the link.  
>-Mat Flynn 

Brass and Jazz Ensemble // Friday's performance

Brass and Jazz ensemble
will be performing @ the following function

Cleary School for the Deaf
301 Smithtown Blvd, Nesconset, NY 11767
All proceeds help fund the preservation and care of
WS Commerdinger, Jr. County Park
Edgewood Avenue, Nesconset, NY
Steve Levy, County 
Friday, September 24, 2010
7:00 to 9:00 PM (doors open at 6PM)
$3 per person
For More Information Call ~ 516-639-0001 
Giving Tribute to the History & Culture of our Land and its People

Brass and Jazz report @ 5pm
Dress in neat black
Bring music stand and music
We will be done @ 7pm -ish
non performers must pay admission fee of $3.00

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Concert Band per 3 will have their First test the week of 9/20/10

The Concert Band students' first exam will determine their first test grade, seating placement and recommendation to the Suffolk County Music Educator's Association.  Students have attended an orientation lesson that reviewed the basics of good tone production, proper attacks and were assigned warm up exercises. Their grade will be based on the following;

Quality of performance on the warm up exercises including posture, preparatory breath, and support of sound.

Counting and playing with a metronome for Rhythm sheet Section 9

Playing with a metronome for Scale sheet #1 & #2, (yellow) Rhythmic tonguing sheet (pink), and Chromatic scale (Blue).

Slur exercises.

Performance on El Capitan, by John Philip Sousa, from measure 39 to 69 while playing all dynamics and articulations at the tempo marking of 124 = the quarter note.

Percussion: Rudiments: single and double stroke rolls, (opened and closed), 5 stroke roll, Flams, Single paradiddle and rhythmic sheet and section 9 sheet.  El Capitan measure 39 to the end at the tempo marking of 124 = the quarter note.

Test appointments are 10 minutes long and chosen by the student.  It is highly recommended that students choose their appointment during a lunch, study hall, or class they are strong in academically.  This appointment will count as their lesson for the week.  Students that neglect to sign up will not be able to make up the test and will receive an 'F' for this test.  Unfortunately, a few past students have made this a necessary parameter of the process and it must be stated.

Practice with focus and care.  I look forward to hearing everyone!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jazz Ensemble 1st Rehearsal

I hope you had a fun and restful summer. Well we're back and we're jumpin' right in. Our first Jazz Ensemble rehearsal is Tuesday @ 7pm in the band room. We are preparing for our first performance on Friday, September 24, 2010 in Lake Grove in the Cleary School for the Deaf from 6-7pm.

See you there!

Brass Ensemble 1st Rehearsal

I hope you had a fun and restful summer.  Well we're back and we're jumpin' right in.  Our first Brass Ensemble rehearsal is Tuesday @ 5pm in the band room.  We are preparing for our first performance on Friday, September 24, 2010 in Lake Grove in the Cleary School for the Deaf from 6-7pm.

See you there!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2010-2011 Jazz Ensemble

To all members;

Please be aware and make arrangements for our rehearsals which will be on Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm.
Rehearsals will start in September.  Congratulations on all of your auditions.

Friday, June 11, 2010

2010-2011 SHS West Jazz Ensemble Results

Audition results:

Alto Saxes: Eric H., Peter R.,

Tenor Saxes: Newel C., Chris H.

Bari Sax: Sarah R.

Trumpets: John T., Max J., Marc F., Bryan H., Dave K.

Trombones: Elena F., Sami S., Steve M., Dan F.

Guitar: Mike G.

Bass Sabrina B.

Piano: Christian L.

Percussion: Sean T., Mike S., Paul M.

Alternates: Ian M., Kelly M., Matt R., Jess D., Tim K., Lukas G., Kyle C.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jazz Ensemble Gig Alert!

Jazz Ensemble we will be playing our last commitment during the reception segment of SFOM Ceremony as described below.

The Smithtown Friends of Music and High School Music Department will be recognizing graduating seniors at the Fifteenth Annual Music Awards Ceremony on June 9th, 2010.

We cordially invite all members of the music faculty to attend.

Festivities will take place at High School East.

Tri-M Honor Society inductions are at 6:30 p.m. in the Little Theater. There is a social reception in the Commons at 7:00 followed by the Awards Ceremony in the Little Theater from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m..

Performing groups will represent both East and West High Schools.

I hope that you can attend.


Kathy Sullivan


Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day Performances for Concert Bands 3 & 6

Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, 2010 Agenda

Students report to High School West 8:30 am,  Monday, May 31, 2010

Attire is white-ish sneakers, tan/khaki pants or shorts and parade shirts.
No flip-flops.

Remember instrument Lyres for the Star Spangled Banner.

Buses will take the entire band to the step off site.

We start in St. James @ 10:00am on Woodlawn Ave and travel up Lake ave. to the St. James Elementary school where we will perform the Star Spangled Banner during the ceremony.

Next we will take the buses to Smithtown's Waldbaum's/Dairy Barn parking lot(Singer Lane).  We will step off @ 12:00pm on Main street and travel west to Town Hall, turn right and finish the parade.  From there we will take the buses back to the High School. 

If parents wish to pick up students from the end the Smithtown Parade please notify me so we are not searching for someone believed to be lost.

If there should be a cancellation, I will post the notice here on my blogspot.

Thank you,

Tim Cassera

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jazz Ensemble Auditions for the 2010-2011 Band

Auditions for the 2010-2011 Jazz Ensemble

Monday, June 7, 2010 from 2pm -7pm first come first served.






3. Chromatic and all major scales.
4. Improvise over a Bb or F blues.















Concert Band 3

Concert is Tuesday, 5/25.  6:30pm call time, concert start is 7:30pm.

Black and white formal dress, no sneakers or flip flops.  Gentleman must have a necktie, dress jackets are optional.

NYSSMA is Thursday, 5/20 during school, same dress attire.

Memo to all Tuesday, 5/18/10 Concert Attendees and Performers

This is just a reminder that our performance will be occurring on the same day as the district's budget vote.  We certainly hope and urge all residents to make every effort to vote yet this may pose a conflict for some families due to time constraints.  Please consider a few suggestions to help alleviate any problems.

Parents may drop off students early for pre-concert preparations, travel to the polls and return to the concert.
Try arranging carpools for students.
Due to the situation created, the etiquette to remain and enjoy all the groups performing in this evening's concert will be relaxed.  Please note our concert order to plan the opportunity to cast your vote.

Performance order:
Concert Band
Brass Ensemble
Freshman Orchestra

Concert start time is 7:30 pm

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation regarding this matter.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Concert Band 6

Concert is Tuesday, 5/18.  6:30pm call time, concert start is 7:30pm.

Black and white formal dress, no sneakers or flip flops.  Gentleman must have a necktie, dress jackets are optional.

NYSSMA is Thursday, 5/20 during school, same dress attire.

Brass Ensemble Wed. Rehearsal is postponed to 5th period Thursday.

Concert is Tuesday, 5/18, 6:30 pm.

Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal moved to Friday 9th period to 3pm

Hey Jazzers,

There will be no rehearsal Wed. night but we will rehearse this Friday from 9th period through 3pm.

Gig update, we also will be performing at the Friends of Music awards ceremony on June 9th.

Please remember our NYSSMA performance on 5/20 during the day and our Spring concert on 5/25.

Colour my World
Pick up the Pieces

Concert including above selections
Tuxedo Junction
Feelin Alright

Friends of Music
All previous music from this year.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jazz Ensemble @ Sunrise of Smithtown assisted living

This performance will be approximately a half hour long starting @ 3:30PM.

Bring a Music Stand.

Black Jazz Shirts with jeans are fine.  Please arrive at least by 3:00PM to set up, warm up and tune up.
Music will consist of but not limited to;
Feelin Allright
Count Bubba
Glenn Miller
Since I fell for You

Sunrise of Smithtown
30, Route 111

Smithtown, NY  11787
tel: 631-724-2299

 Directions from SHS West

1Start out going SOUTHWEST on CENTRAL RD toward PLYMOUTH BLVD.0.08 miles
2Turn LEFT onto PLYMOUTH BLVD.1.08 miles
3Turn LEFT onto W JERICHO TURNPIKE/NY-25.2.75 miles
4Turn RIGHT onto NY-111/HAUPPAUGE RD.0.21 miles

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jazz Ensemble April 16th St. Paul's Lutheran Church performance

St. Paul's Lutheran Church performance
April 16th

Driving directions to St. Paul's Lutheran Church

(631) 754-4422

5.8 mi – about 13 mins

Suggested routes

100 Central RdSmithtown, NY 11787

1. Head southwest on Central Rd toward Romeo Dr 0.1 mi

2. Turn right at Plymouth Blvd 0.5 mi

3. Turn left at Old Northport Rd 2.4 mi

4. Continue onto Townline Rd 0.3 mi

5. Turn left at County Rd 11/Pulaski Rd 2.0 mi

6. Turn right at Larkfield Rd 0.3 mi

7. Slight right at Vernon Valley Rd

Destination will be on the right 0.2 mi

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

120 Vernon Valley RoadEast Northport, NY 11731

Program selections
Evil ways
Peter Gunn
Tuxedo Junction
Count Bubba
Since I fell for YOu
Feelin Alright
Free Bird
Glenn Miller
Pick Up the Pieces
a F Blues or Bb Blues

Friday, March 26, 2010

Jazz Ensemble-Upcoming performances!

Hey All You Jazzers,

The following is a set schedule of upcoming performances.  Please note them in your calendars and clear work schedules.

4/7/10           7-9pm              Rehearsal
4/13/10         3:30-5:00pm    Sunrise Assisted Living Performance
4/14/10         7PM-9, 10, 11PM?             Reheasrsal
4/15/10         7pm                 Jazz Festival Concert @ Smithtown HS West Library
4/16/10         7pm?               Cocktail Hour for fundraising event TBA
4/21/10         7-9PM             Rehearsal
4/22/10         7pm                 Barnes and Noble Fundraiser for Music Department Lake Grove, store
5/20/10         TBA                NYSSMA Performance @ HS East
5/25/10         7:30pm            Spring Concert @ HS West

Tentative performances may be American Roadside Burger and Smithtown Friends of Music reception.

Selections in addition to our repertiore to be polished are;
Feelin' Alright
Count Bubba
Colour My World
A Salute to Glenn Miller

Attire will be repeated use of the jazz shirts, black pant and jeans.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jazz and Brass Ensemble

We will meet Tuesday, February 9, 2010 in the music suite of HS west at the beginning of fourth period.  Your teachers have been notified and I am reminding you that you are responsible for any missed work.  We will walk over together and be back in time for 6th period classes. 

Please wear black for this performance, dress appropriatly for the walk  and bring your own music.

Accompsett willbe providing all equipment  except a bass amp.

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Concert Band

NYSSMA solo registration deadline is February 5, 2010.

Brass Ensemble rehearsal this week is moved to 2pm -4pm Wed.,1/20/10

Jazz Ensemble Nesconset Nursing Home Directions

Nesconset Nursing Center LLC

100 Southern Blvd, Nesconset, NY 11767 (631) 361-8800

Smithtown High School (631) 382-2905

A 100 Central Rd, Smithtown, NY A–B: 5.9 mi

13 min

1. Depart Central Rd

0.1 mi

2. Turn left onto Plymouth Blvd

1.1 mi

3. Turn left onto SR-25 / W Jericho Tpke

Pass EXXON in 1.8 mi 3.4 mi

4. Turn right onto Terry Rd / CR-16

0.6 mi

5. Turn left onto SR-347 East / Smithtown Byp

0.6 mi

6. Turn right onto Southern Blvd

0.1 mi

B 7. Arrive at 100 Southern Blvd, Nesconset, NY

The last intersection is Crystal Brook Ct

If you reach Carman Ln, you've gone too far 0.0 mi

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jazz Ensemble

Wed., Jan. 20th we will be  performing at the Nesconset Nursing Home  from 6:45pm to 7:45pm.  We can arrive at 6:00pm which means a faster set up.

We will play Sing Sang Sung,
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
Peter Gunn
Since I fell for you
Tuxedo Junction
Evil Ways

Dress is all black.
Control the volume.
Bring a music stand.

Dress is all black.

Control the volume.
Bring a music stand.

Concert Band

Here is a site that can reinforce your understanding of rhythm and counting. Click on the lessons pull down tab and explore the first group of categories.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Concert Band 3 & 6 in 2010

Welcome Back and Happy New Year.

Here is the direction we will be going over the next couple of weeks.

NYSSMA Solo registration forms have been distributed.

Students have been offered 1/2 a letter grade for the 3rd Quarter to volunteer as helpers for the running of the NYSSMA solo festival or participating as a soloist on a level IV, V or VI solo.

Should the student score an 'O' for outstanding or an 'A' on a solo they will be exempt from a final exam and receive an 'A' for that grade.  Students performing a level V or VI solo should be taking lessons with a teacher that performs on the same instrument.  I do have a list of private and qualifyed teachers if you should need someone.

Over the upcoming three weeks in lessons mid term material will be covered.

MID TERM Information;

Students should take care in planning the next few weeks with time to prepare for the upcoming exams.  We have three weeks of classes and this will end the 2nd Quarter marking period. 

The fourth week will be regents testing week- no classes.

First week of February will be Mid Term week.  Please be very aware of this compressed schedule of tests.

The Concert Band MID TERM will consist of 10 minute appointments selected by students over the course of the school day.  Students should KNOW their other test schedules before signing up so as not to create a conflict with the Concert Band MID TERM. There will be no room for make ups.

Wind Players must know 6 major scales and two octaves where applicable.
The Chromatic scale.
Rhythmic tonguing exercise.
Difficult sections of Americans We and Festivo
Assigned sections of Toccata for Band.

Percussionists must know single, double and buzz stroke rolls. 
Also the 5, 7, 9 , and 11 stroke rolls, single and double paradiddle, quarter and eighth note flams, and flam accents.
Mallet players must know two ocatave scales 1-6.
Band music parts.

Percussionists must already have mastered the single and double stroke rolls.  These rolls are part of the basic rudiments initially taught in 5th grade. 

The MID TERM results will deterimine a major test grade, possible new seating assignments, Symphonic Band recommendation.