Hey All You Jazzers,
The following is a set schedule of upcoming performances. Please note them in your calendars and clear work schedules.
4/7/10 7-9pm Rehearsal
4/13/10 3:30-5:00pm Sunrise Assisted Living Performance
4/14/10 7PM-9, 10, 11PM? Reheasrsal
4/15/10 7pm Jazz Festival Concert @ Smithtown HS West Library
4/16/10 7pm? Cocktail Hour for fundraising event TBA
4/21/10 7-9PM Rehearsal
4/22/10 7pm Barnes and Noble Fundraiser for Music Department Lake Grove, store
5/20/10 TBA NYSSMA Performance @ HS East
5/25/10 7:30pm Spring Concert @ HS West
Tentative performances may be American Roadside Burger and Smithtown Friends of Music reception.
Selections in addition to our repertiore to be polished are;
Feelin' Alright
Count Bubba
Colour My World
A Salute to Glenn Miller
Attire will be repeated use of the jazz shirts, black pant and jeans.