Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Concert Band Midterm.

Reminder: Mid term is during the week Jan.30-Feb.2, Mon- Thur. as per your selected 10 minute testing slot.

MID TERM Information;
Students should take care in planning and practicing with time to prepare for the upcoming exams.

First week of 3rd Quarter will be Mid Term week. Please be very aware of the compressed schedule of tests.

The Concert Band MID TERM will consist of 10 minute appointments selected by students over the course of the school day. Students should KNOW their other test schedules before signing up so as not to create a conflict with the Concert Band MID TERM. There will be no room for make ups.

Wind Players (Brass and Woodwind) must know 8 major scales with combinations of articulation.

Warm-up #2 @ metronome marking 116.

Chromatic Scale.

Section 9 counting and playing in 4/4 and cut time signatures. Qusrter note = 136, Half note=68

Difficult sections of selected Band music.

Percussionists must know all rudiments in place of scales with above requirements.
Mallet players must know 8 scales.

The MID TERM results will deterimine a major 3rd quarter grade, possible new seating assignments, Symphonic Band recommendation.