Thursday, June 18, 2015


This is not a school Field trip.

Birdland June 19,2015

3:11 Train from Ronkonkoma Station on Friday
Train is $13 ROUND TRIP.
You pay Rob B. for the ticket ON the train.
Train arrives at Penn Station 4:34.
We walk to Birdland. The performance loosely begins at 5:15.
We have a reservation for all of us.
We will pay $30 entry cost each.
We will also pay for our food.
There is a $10 minimum on food per person.
You'll spend around $20 anyways most likely.
Afterwards we walk back to Penn Station.
Our 8:15 train returns at 9:37 at Ronkonkoma.
Total Cost: Minimum $53
$13 Train
$30 Birdland Entry
$10 Minimum on Food
You don't need to pay for anything in advance.

Just bring all your money with you. Cassera is coming with us. There's no exact dress code but dress nice. Anything from khakis and polos up to suits. It will be hot. We have a little bit of room so if you know a jazz inclined person that would like to go with this short notice, send me a message.