Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Athletic Pep Band

Please be reminded that we are rehearsing Thursday, 9/24 from 2-4PM for Friday's 9/25 pep rally and the Homecoming Game, 9/26.

We will wear the Smithtown music parade Tee Shirts for these performances.

Please report for the pep rally by 12:00PM to set up and warm up.  We are playing at the beginning.

All members should be marching with the Symphonic Band in the Homecoming Parade, Saturday, 9/26.  Report to parade site at 11:00am on the corner of Singer Lane and Main St. (LA Fitness/ Buona Sera Parking lot buy Dairy barn).  When we are finished you will need to report to High School West by 1:30PM to prepare for the game. 

We will continue to rehearse weekly in preparation for the following home varsity football games and the upcoming basketball season.

Home Football games.

Saturday, 9/26, 3PM Game

Friday, 10/2, 6PM Game

Friday, 10/9, 6PM Game

Saturday, 10/17, 2PM Game

and Home Play-off games.