Sunday, December 27, 2009

Brass Ensemble

Looks like it is going to be Elena, Kyle and myself for today's performance 2:45pm.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Brass Ensemble

Happy Holidays everyone!

If your available for tomorrow Sunday, December 27th (not 26, sorry) @ 3pm, we could perform for the Guests of the Food Pantry.  Please call 631 793-3979 to confirm.  For anyone who doesn't confirm I will assume your unavailable.   Don't worry I have music.

All the best and I hope your enjoying your break.

Mr. Cassera

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Brass Ensemble Today's Performance is cancelled!

The food pantry will be making up this event on Sunday, December 26, 2009 @ 3pm.  Lets discuss this during the week.

Have a warm and safe day.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Brass Ensemble I have your folders!

Brass Ensemble @ The Setauket Food Pantry

Hey Brass,

On Sunday, December 20, 2009 we should be there @ 2pm.

Dress is Holiday attire-neat.  Concert attire is fine.

Bring a music stand and Music.

Travel east on route 25A past Nichols Road.  Continue on Route 25A Up the Hill.  You will come to the East Setauket Post Office on your right.  Turn left at the light onto Ridgeway and then a quick right into the St. James Roman Catholic Church parking lot.  This event will be down stairs in the basement of the church.
We are slated to play to about 4:10pm. 

What if it snows?
I am told everything will go on as planned.  I will call at 11:00am on Sunday to double check.  Should we be canceled please check back at this site before you leave your house.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jazz and Brass @ St. Catherines Tonight!

Set up begins at 6:00pm and we start playing at 7:00pm.

Dress is black pants with festive and appropriate top, (like the tree lighting).

Bring a music stand.

Brass Ensemble bring your music.

Jazz Ensemble plan on playing soft.

St Catherine's Nursing home is located at 52 Rte 25A, Smithtown.

Traveling west from Stop and Shop on RTE 25, bear right at the BULL onto rte 25A.
Travel to the Medical Center Entrance of St. Catherine's and go up past the Admin BLDG and the hospital circle.  The nursing home is on the right hand side.  Students may be dropped off at the door, take the elevator to the 3rd floor and go to the recreation room.  Brass will perform first  and we will all be done at approximately 8:00pm.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Brass Ensemble Gig Alert

Brass Ensemble please note the following dates.

Dec. 11th, 12:00pm - Senior Citizens performance

Dec. 16th, 7-8pm - St Catherines Coffee House performance

Dec. 17th, 7:30pm - SHS West Concert// players Arrive at 6:30pm

Dec. 20th, 3:00pm- Setauket Food Pantry

Concert Band Period 6

This is the last weekend for practicing. 
Reminder; Concert is Thur., December 17th @ SHS West starting at 7:30pm.

You must arrive at 6:30pm.

Concert dress was listed on the Class Policy during September.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Concert Band Period 3

Reminder; Concert is Dec. 10th @ SHS West starting at 7:30pm.
You must arrive @ 6:30pm.

Concert Dress is listed on September's Class Policy.

Jazz Ensemble's Tree Lighting Performance

Attn. Jazz Ensemble;

Our performance is for a tree lighting ceremony @ 4:00pm this Sunday, December 6th on the grounds of the Smithtown Library.

Everyone must be there @ 3:30pm for set up, tuning and perfomance notes.

Dress will be Black pants, Black shoes and holiday colored shirt or sweaters.  ( if it is too cold just wear your hat, jacket and gloves)....(of course with your pants and shoes.)





I will bring the folders, Bass drum, floor tom, tom, throne, carpet, extension cords, piano amp and cord, bass amp and clothes pins.

Brass Ensemble

Have a  Great Performance on Sunday with Dan Frank @ 2:00pm.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Brass Ensemble

Program for the Dec 17th concert;

Peter Gunn
Pirates of the Caribbean
Festive sounds of Hanukah
Twas the Brass- Garland 2- Joy to the World

This weekend Dec. 6th Private Party with Dan Frank

Concert Band- Listen to Festivo!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Brass Ensemble gig alert!

Hey Brass,

We will also play at St. Catherines wed, Dec 16th between 7-8pm.

Mark your calendars!

Jazz Ensemble Gig Alert!

Hey Jazzers, great job last night @ the Rock Tribute show!

Next Performance is the Dec. 10th Concert 7:30pm SHS west Auditorium.  program is Jingle bell boogie, have yourself a merry little X-mas, Charlie brown, Sing sang sung, and birdland.

Also Wed. Dec 16th, 7-8pm we will be at the coffee house for St. Catherines.

Mark your calendars please!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jazz Ensemble

Tonight's Performance for the ROCK SHOW TRIBUTE will consist of two half hour sets;

1st set will begin @ 6:30pm
2nd set will begin @ 7:35pm

Dress is all Black
Be here @ 5:45pm for preparations.

P.S. Thanksgiving Eve rehearsal will be directly afterschool from 2-4 pm. Not at night!
--Send Mat Flynn your unavailable performance dates!

Thank you.
Mr. C.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chaperones needed for October 30, 2009 Smithtown El Field trip

The Concert Band needs at least three parents to chaperone the  Smithtown Elementary field trip to perform at the halloween ragamuffin parade.  If you are available please email me ,, or call , 631 382-3044.

Thank you,

Mr. Cassera

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Concert Band First Performance Test

The first performance test will be during the week of October 13th. All students will select a 10 minute exam slot preferably during a lunch or study hall period but must be scheduled during the school day.

This test will determine section seating, all-county recommendations, and a test grade toward their first quarter grade.

The test material will be the following;
1. Play section 9 rhythm sheet with metronome in common time and in cut time.

2. Play Scale #1, 2, and 3 off the scale sheet with metronome marking 80 and using staccato and legato articulation and varied dynamics.

3. St. Anthony's Chorale and excerpts from Novena, Chihuahua, and Shine.

Percussion will prepare rudimental warm up, accented eighth notte sheet, Flams, single, double, and 5 stroke rolls, and paradiddles.

Jazz Auditions



Tues. 10/7/09 or Wed. 10/8/09 7-9pm

In the Chorus Room

Audition Info:

All interested students must prepare a Jazz Style solo, ( Mr. Cassera has material if you need material).

Improvisation is optional on ‘F’ or ‘Bb’ Blues.


Additional requirements for Brass; Play chromatic scale to highest note in eighth notes at m.m. 80. Also repeatedly hit highest note 5 times.

Additional requirements for Saxophones; Play chromatic scale to highest note in eighth notes with m.m. 80. Also play octave slurs in half notes
at m.m. 80.

Additional requirements for Piano, Guitar, and Bass; Comping chord progressions in the style of blues, swing and funk.

Additional requirements for Percussion; Play styles in tempo and trade four solo measures with four measures in time, repeatedly. Styles should include a ballad, swing, rock, funk, bossa nova, samba and jazz waltz.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Concert Band //First Lesson Assignment due for the week of 9/21/09

All students have reviewed the basics of good tone production through warm up exercises. Their lesson grade will be based on the following;

Quality of warm up performance including posture, prepartory breath, and support of sound.

All correct notes and rhythms in St. Anthony's Chorale including playing 5 measures in one breath throughout the song.

Scale number 1 off of the class scale sheet tongued and slurred.

Percussion: warm up, 3 assigned rudiments and the accent sheet # 1

Concert Band Class Policy with Performance Dates

Mr. Cassera & Mr. Kollar

Class Objective: The students will be able to express themselves through musical performance in a concert band setting. This music performance class stimulates the students to grow intellectually, emotionally, and creatively which aides in the development of a ‘well rounded person’.

Required Materials: Instrument must be in working condition. Students must have a PENCIL, metronome, ensemble music, and the necessary supplies for their particular instrument such as reeds, valve oil, drum sticks, neck straps, etc….

Rehearsal Behavior: Each rehearsal will be conducted as a practice performance. Wearing of hats, any kind of food or drinks, lateness to class and inappropriate behavior will not be permitted or tolerated.

Grading Objective: The grading policy is designed to reflect the students’ individual effort, participation and growth.

Grading: An alphabetical grade is earned each marking period. The average of rotation class assignments equals one quarter of the grade. The second quarter of the grade is the average of performance exams. The balance of the grade is based on the average of daily rehearsal grades which encompasses class preparation, conduct and participation.

Course Criteria:

Performances: Attendance is mandatory for all performances and performances
are considered to be performance exams which are included in the quarter grade.

Rotation classes: Each class represents a grade. The grade will be based upon the completion of the given assignment. Students may also be given written exams to further assess their understanding of material. It is building policy that students must attend scheduled rotation classes. Should a student have a testing conflict, then a make up class will be provided. Students are expected to communicate testing conflicts prior to their rotation class. If a student misses a rotation class without proper notice the student will have earned an ‘F’ for that class. All make up classes must be completed within the week of the missed class. If a rotation class falls on a student’s lunch period, the student should bring a bag lunch to eat in the rotation class.

Daily rehearsals: Prepared for class, includes instruments in working condition, PENCIL, ensemble music, lesson book, seated and ready to participate two minutes after the bell. Cooperative participation includes appropriate behavior, improvement on daily music and following all instructions given.
Rehearsal conduct is expected which includes but not limited to, respect and courtesy for the conductor and respect and manners toward fellow students.

Student success: The development of instrumental skills requires self-discipline and focused practice toward the given assignments on a daily basis not including rehearsal and lesson time.

First Audition: Students will prepare assigned music, all major scales and percussion rudiments for a test grade. The results will also be used for section seating and the Suffolk County Music Educator’s Asso.’s (SCMEA) Division 3 All County recommendations.

Performance Dress: Concert Dress: white formal top, black dress slacks, black dress, black or dark tie, black socks and shoes, NO tee or tank shirts, jeans, flip flops or sneakers. Parade Dress: Long Sleeve shirts (provided by school), Tan khakis, and white sneakers provided by student.

Students are responsible for their instruments (rented or owned) concerning theft or damage. Usually, homeowners’ insurance can offer a rider for protection. You will need to know the serial and model number and the instrument’s brand name. Space is available during the school day to store instruments but protection cannot be guaranteed.

Extra help is available for two periods per week by appointment with Mr. Cassera.


Smithtown Elementary School
October 30th, starting toward the end of the school day.

Concert Band 3
Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:30pm

Concert Band 6
Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:30pm

NYSSMA Major Organization Festival
Thursday, May 20th, 2009

Concert Band 6
Monday, May 18, 2009 7:30pm

Concert Band 3
Thursday, May 25, 2009 7:30pm

Concert Band
Monday, May 31, 2010

The Smithtown Friends of Music, our booster organization, will have its Recruitment and Showcase evening at the High School East Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 7 pm. “Meet the Teacher” night will be Thursday, October 1, 2009. Gala Concert is March 20, 2010 at 7:30pm. The New York State School Music Association’s SOLO and ALL-STATE Festival will be April 9th and 10th.
Detach and return please

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please record the performance dates and concert/parade dress for this year. Note also, student attendance and dress at performances is mandatory requirements for music performance courses. Students need to return this form with signatures, which will reflect that you are aware of the Concert Band’s class policy and course requirements. Should you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at the Smithtown High School-West Campus.

Thank you for your cooperation and support,
Mr. Cassera

Student name________________________________________________

Student Signature____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name Mr./Mrs/Ms._________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature_____________________________________________________

Contact telephone number:______________________________________

E-Mail address:_______________________________________________

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Concert Band

Dear Concert Band,

The class policy blog is currently under construction. My current Grand Jury obligation will be until October 11, 2009 (hopefully) If I am in school it means that a court case has been cancelled or not scheduled but I am at the mercy of the legal system should the schedule suddenly change.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Concert Band

Please be aware the third quarter will end 4/17/2009. All students trying to raise their mid term grade should have Symphonic Dance, President's March and Inferno completed with all dynamics, and articulation at performance tempi.

NYSSMA Solo Festival is April 15 and 16, 2009. TWO WEEKS.

NYSSMA All State Solo Festival is April 24 and 25, 2009 At Middle Country School District

Our NYSSMA Band performance is May 18, 2009.

We will also perform on Memorial Day, Monday May 25, 2009.

Our Spring Concert is May 28, 2009 with a musician call at 6:30pm and concert start time at 7:30pm.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jazz Ensemble

Upcoming performances are;

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Gala Concert @ HS West, in the Auditorium for a 7:30pm start.

April 2, 2009
Jazz Festival @ HS West, in the Library for a 7:30pm start.

April 30, 2009
Barnes and Noble Bookstore, Smithaven Mall 5pm to 9pm. This is a Fundraising event.

May 20, 2009
NYSSMA Jazz performance @ West Islip and transportation will be provided. Roughly 12:00pm.

May 28, 2009
American Roadside Burger Celebration in Smithtown on Jericho Turnpike from 4:00pm - 6:15pm. You need to arrange transportation.

June 1, 2009
Spring Concert @ HS West, in the Auditorium for a 7:30pm start.

Possible April 24, 2009 performance @ Hofstra.
Possible Avalon Performance.
Possible Outdoor Pops Performance.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Theory Quiz

Complete 2 measures of rhythm for each time signatures using 4 different rhythms. Also indicate how many beats in a measure and what rhythm is getting 1 beat. Write in the counting for each measure.

Time signatures

1. 2-4 ,2. 4-4, 3. 2-2, 4. 3-8, 5. 6-8, 6. 3-4, 7. 7-4, 8. 3-2, 9. 5-8, 10. 7-8.

Also in treble clef, in the keys of E, Gb, B, and Eb build triads for each degree of the major scale and indicate which triads are Major, Minor or Diminished.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jazz Ensemble is rehearsing 2/5/09 @ 7:00pm

No Brass Ensemble Rehearsal 2/5/09

Attention All Percussionists


Day Of Percussion 2009!!
Sat., February 7, 2009 (Snow Date February 8) at Sayville High School
9:00am - 3:30pm (Registration @ 8:30am)
Contact numbers on the day - (516) 909-6988 or (631) 252-9488

Clinics, Performances, Door Prizes
Schedule of the Day:

8:30 AM Registration Opens

9:00am-9:55am: Session 1 in Bandroom - School Percussion Ensemble Performances TBA
10:00am-10:55: Session 2 in Auditorium - TBA -Check back for the exciting list of clinicians
11:00am-11:55am: Session 3 in Bandroom - TBA
12:00 PM - Lunch is available in the cafeteria

12:45-1:45: Session 4 in Auditorium - TBA

All-County Concert - 2:00pm
The “All-County” Percussion Ensemble
conducted by
Peter P. DeSalvo & Anthony M. Romeo II

****Massed drum circle after concert!!!! Everyone is welcome. ****
Bring your own hand drum instrument.

Come be a part of this historic event!

Registration: $15 students and adults (free to SCMEA members)

Sponsors for the day include: Yamaha, Pearl/ Adams, Sabian, Innovative Percussion, Remo, Zildjian, Malletech, kp3, Malletech, Alfred Publishing, Vic Firth, Mike Balter Mallets, Grover Percussion, the “Original Long Island Drum Center”, Ratamacue Percussion, Sam Ash Music, Musser, Encore Mallets, Kaman Music, RegalTip, Dynasty, Meinl, Xymox, Mapex, Drumworkshop, J. D’Addorio & Comp. (Evans), Rowl-off Productions, Promark, Premier Drums, Rhythmtech and Cooperman Company, Ross Instruments

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Music TheoryI Mid Term Exam

Our Mid Term will also be during the first week of February. A portion will be on computer and the remainder will be on ear training.

This exam will encompass the following;

key signature identification
Major scale identification (wwhwwwh)
interval identification
triad identification
aural identification of intervals melodic and harmonic, Major, minor, and Perfect
aural identification of triads, Major, minor, diminished, and augmented.

Solo NYSSMA registration

All students participating in the NYSSMA solo festival must register by February 6, 2009.

Concert Band students are being offered extra credit for attending the festival and/or helping out with the festival, toward their third quarter grade. If students receive an Outstanding or and 'A' on their solo they will also be exempt from the Concert Band final. Students must participate on their band instrument to receive the extra credit.

The benefit to participating and doing well in this festival has many rewards. High scores may be used to enhance college applications in the honors or awards area, scores are also used for All-County Band or Orchestra selections and participation reflects self motivation and commitment on behalf of the student which play a role in honor group recommendations.

This festival should not be confused with the NYSSMA Major Organization Festival where the entire Band performs together, that is a different festival held later in the year.

Concert Band Mid Term exam

The Concert Band will be having their mid term exam during the first week of February as part of the third quarter grade. This is a major performance exam that will also redesign sectional seating and play a heavy role in the symphonic band recommendations. This exam is an individual performance test where students will sign up for selected 10 minute slots on 1/22, 1/23, and 1/26 for appointments over the course of the exam week.

The exam will consist of;

1. Selected sections of Symphonic Dance No. 2, performed with the metronome and set at quarter note = 200.

2. Selected sections of The President's March, performed with the metronome and set at the dotted quarter note = 116.

3. All scales and arpeggios from the scale sheet, (12).

4. The chromatic scale sheet in two octaves.

5. Selected sections of Inferno.